
First we start out with a cheesy ‘cartoon style’ explosion à Boom! Background. We hear a ninja yell ‘háyà!’ and the name “Kendo” appears. The letter type in calligraphy style. Then letter for letter appears “can do Magic”, while we hear a magical harp-kind of sound. So now we are introduced to the title of the animation.
Fade to white.
We hear squeaking footsteps. Eventually we are introduced to Kendo, who steps into view. We see him walking à in a stumbling manner.
The squeaking footsteps continue. We follow Kendo along while he’s walking.

A top hat appears in view. Kendo walks on and stops abruptly, finding out something odd is blocking his way. He first looks at the hat in a surprised way but soon this emotion is replaced by anger. Kendo is a grumpy being, very easily offended.

Aggressively, he KICKS the top hat over… we hear again a ninja ‘háyà!’ as he does so. Then magically, a bunny hops out of the hat.
A close up of Kendo, who looks at the critter suspiciously.
Close up of the bunny who looks curiously at Kendo.
Back to Kendo, he focuses and we hear the sound of a kettle with boiling water. This stupid thing was blocking his way?!
Our point of view shifts to that of the bunny. We look with frog perspective at Kendo, we look through the ears of the bunny. Kendo tries to impress (note; scare) the bunny by doing all kinds of martial art styles. He kicks to the side, yells, makes a salto... the bunny follows his movements. When Kendo is done he looks at the bunny intimidatingly.

Our point of view shifts to Kendo, we look down on the bunny. The bunny looks up and sniffs.
Kendo is furious!

Kendo jumps up, we hear a gong-sound à ready for battle! Ready to crush the bunny.
We see a front still of Kendo, the white background has swapped for a action-explosion kind of background. Kendo looks determined.
The bunny thinks differently, he hops aside. While doing so the bunny hops the hat in it's former position again.
Kendo jumps down again and POOF! Kendo disappears into the hat.
We zoom in on the hat, and the bunny hops next to the hat... looking into the camera with its innocent face.

Credits move from the bottom to the top, moving away the bunny and hat.
When the bunny and hat have disappeared from the screen, the background turns black ('who turned the light off?') Two yellow eyes look around. The eyes look confused... then annoyed. Light is turned on, we see it's Kendo. Text of credits continue while in the background we see Kendo situated in the hat... bumping against the sides... he gets sad and sits down...
We hear again a 'háyà!', 'The End' appears on screen.


Draft script 20-01-'12

First we start out with a cheesy ‘cartoon style’ explosion à Boom! Background. We hear a ninja yell ‘háyà!’ and the name “Kendo” appears. The letter type in calligraphy style. Then letter for letter appears “can do Magic”, while we hear a magical harp-kind of sound. So now we are introduced to the title of the animation.
Fade to white.

We hear squeaking footsteps. Eventually we are introduced to Kendo, who steps into view. We see him walking à in a stumbling manner.
The squeaking footsteps continue. We follow Kendo along while he’s walking.

A top hat appears in view. Kendo walks on and stops abruptly, finding out something odd is blocking his way. He first looks at the hat in a surprised way but soon this emotion is replaced by anger. Kendo is a grumpy being, very easily offended.

Aggressively, he KICKS the top hat over… we hear again a ninja ‘háyà!’ as he does so. Then magically, a bunny hops out of the hat.
A close up of Kendo, who looks at the critter suspiciously.
Close up of the bunny who looks curiously at Kendo.
Back to Kendo, he focuses and we hear the sound of a kettle with boiling water. This stupid thing was blocking his way?!

Kendo jumps up, we hear a gong-sound à ready for battle!
We see a front still of Kendo, the white background has swapped for a action-explosion kind of background. Kendo looks determined.

He jumps down again and POOF! the bunny is gone, magically.

The only remains of the bunny are some painful stars.
Kendo looks contently, squinting in a happy way.

Fade to white.

The End.